progressbar.env module

class progressbar.env.ColorSupport(value, names=None, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: IntEnum

Color support for the terminal.

NONE = 0
XTERM = 16
XTERM_256 = 256
classmethod from_env()[source]

Get the color support from the environment.

If any of the environment variables contain 24bit or truecolor, we will enable true color/24 bit support. If they contain 256, we will enable 256 color/8 bit support. If they contain xterm, we will enable 16 color support. Otherwise, we will assume no color support.

If JUPYTER_COLUMNS or JUPYTER_LINES or JPY_PARENT_PID is set, we will assume true color support.

Note that the highest available value will be used! Having COLORTERM=truecolor will override TERM=xterm-256color.

progressbar.env.env_flag(name: str, default: bool) bool[source]
progressbar.env.env_flag(name: str, default: bool | None = None) bool | None

Accepts environt variables formatted as y/n, yes/no, 1/0, true/false, on/off, and returns it as a boolean.

If the environment variable is not defined, or has an unknown value, returns default

progressbar.env.is_ansi_terminal(fd: IO, is_terminal: bool | None = None) bool | None[source]
progressbar.env.is_terminal(fd: IO, is_terminal: bool | None = None) bool | None[source]