Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import contextlib
import itertools
import logging
import math
import os
import sys
import time
import timeit
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime

from python_utils import converters, types

import progressbar.env
import progressbar.terminal

from . import (
    widgets as widgets_module,  # Avoid name collision
from .terminal import os_specific

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# float also accepts integers and longs but we don't want an explicit union
# due to type checking complexity
NumberT = float

T = types.TypeVar('T')

[docs] class ProgressBarMixinBase(abc.ABC): _started = False _finished = False _last_update_time: types.Optional[float] = None #: The terminal width. This should be automatically detected but will #: fall back to 80 if auto detection is not possible. term_width: int = 80 #: The widgets to render, defaults to the result of `default_widget()` widgets: types.MutableSequence[widgets_module.WidgetBase | str] #: When going beyond the max_value, raise an error if True or silently #: ignore otherwise max_error: bool #: Prefix the progressbar with the given string prefix: types.Optional[str] #: Suffix the progressbar with the given string suffix: types.Optional[str] #: Justify to the left if `True` or the right if `False` left_justify: bool #: The default keyword arguments for the `default_widgets` if no widgets #: are configured widget_kwargs: types.Dict[str, types.Any] #: Custom length function for multibyte characters such as CJK # mypy and pyright can't agree on what the correct one is... so we'll # need to use a helper function :( # custom_len: types.Callable[['ProgressBarMixinBase', str], int] custom_len: types.Callable[[str], int] #: The time the progress bar was started initial_start_time: types.Optional[datetime] #: The interval to poll for updates in seconds if there are updates poll_interval: types.Optional[float] #: The minimum interval to poll for updates in seconds even if there are #: no updates min_poll_interval: float #: Deprecated: The number of intervals that can fit on the screen with a #: minimum of 100 num_intervals: int = 0 #: Deprecated: The `next_update` is kept for compatibility with external #: libs: next_update: int = 0 #: Current progress (min_value <= value <= max_value) value: NumberT #: Previous progress value previous_value: types.Optional[NumberT] #: The minimum/start value for the progress bar min_value: NumberT #: Maximum (and final) value. Beyond this value an error will be raised #: unless the `max_error` parameter is `False`. max_value: NumberT | types.Type[base.UnknownLength] #: The time the progressbar reached `max_value` or when `finish()` was #: called. end_time: types.Optional[datetime] #: The time `start()` was called or iteration started. start_time: types.Optional[datetime] #: Seconds between `start_time` and last call to `update()` seconds_elapsed: float #: Extra data for widgets with persistent state. This is used by #: sampling widgets for example. Since widgets can be shared between #: multiple progressbars we need to store the state with the progressbar. extra: types.Dict[str, types.Any]
[docs] def get_last_update_time(self) -> types.Optional[datetime]: if self._last_update_time: return datetime.fromtimestamp(self._last_update_time) else: return None
[docs] def set_last_update_time(self, value: types.Optional[datetime]): if value: self._last_update_time = time.mktime(value.timetuple()) else: self._last_update_time = None
last_update_time = property(get_last_update_time, set_last_update_time) def __init__(self, **kwargs): # noqa: B027 pass
[docs] def start(self, **kwargs): self._started = True
[docs] def update(self, value=None): # noqa: B027 pass
[docs] def finish(self): # pragma: no cover self._finished = True
def __del__(self): if not self._finished and self._started: # pragma: no cover # We're not using contextlib.suppress here because during teardown # contextlib is not available anymore. try: # noqa: SIM105 self.finish() except AttributeError: pass def __getstate__(self): return self.__dict__
[docs] def data(self) -> types.Dict[str, types.Any]: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def started(self) -> bool: return self._finished or self._started
[docs] def finished(self) -> bool: return self._finished
[docs] class ProgressBarBase(types.Iterable, ProgressBarMixinBase): _index_counter = itertools.count() index: int = -1 label: str = '' def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.index = next(self._index_counter) super().__init__(**kwargs) def __repr__(self): label = f': {self.label}' if self.label else '' return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}#{self.index}{label}>'
[docs] class DefaultFdMixin(ProgressBarMixinBase): # The file descriptor to write to. Defaults to `sys.stderr` fd: base.TextIO = sys.stderr #: Set the terminal to be ANSI compatible. If a terminal is ANSI #: compatible we will automatically enable `colors` and disable #: `line_breaks`. is_ansi_terminal: bool | None = False #: Whether the file descriptor is a terminal or not. This is used to #: determine whether to use ANSI escape codes or not. is_terminal: bool | None #: Whether to print line breaks. This is useful for logging the #: progressbar. When disabled the current line is overwritten. line_breaks: bool | None = True #: Specify the type and number of colors to support. Defaults to auto #: detection based on the file descriptor type (i.e. interactive terminal) #: environment variables such as `COLORTERM` and `TERM`. Color output can #: be forced in non-interactive terminals using the #: `PROGRESSBAR_ENABLE_COLORS` environment variable which can also be used #: to force a specific number of colors by specifying `24bit`, `256` or #: `16`. #: For true (24 bit/16M) color support you can use `COLORTERM=truecolor`. #: For 256 color support you can use `TERM=xterm-256color`. #: For 16 colorsupport you can use `TERM=xterm`. enable_colors: progressbar.env.ColorSupport = progressbar.env.COLOR_SUPPORT def __init__( self, fd: base.TextIO = sys.stderr, is_terminal: bool | None = None, line_breaks: bool | None = None, enable_colors: progressbar.env.ColorSupport | None = None, line_offset: int = 0, **kwargs, ): if fd is sys.stdout: fd = utils.streams.original_stdout elif fd is sys.stderr: fd = utils.streams.original_stderr fd = self._apply_line_offset(fd, line_offset) self.fd = fd self.is_ansi_terminal = progressbar.env.is_ansi_terminal(fd) self.is_terminal = progressbar.env.is_terminal(fd, is_terminal) self.line_breaks = self._determine_line_breaks(line_breaks) self.enable_colors = self._determine_enable_colors(enable_colors) super().__init__(**kwargs) def _apply_line_offset( self, fd: base.TextIO, line_offset: int, ) -> base.TextIO: if line_offset: return line_offset, fd, ) else: return fd def _determine_line_breaks(self, line_breaks: bool | None) -> bool | None: if line_breaks is None: return progressbar.env.env_flag( 'PROGRESSBAR_LINE_BREAKS', not self.is_terminal, ) else: return line_breaks def _determine_enable_colors( self, enable_colors: progressbar.env.ColorSupport | None, ) -> progressbar.env.ColorSupport: ''' Determines the color support for the progress bar. This method checks the `enable_colors` parameter and the environment variables `PROGRESSBAR_ENABLE_COLORS` and `FORCE_COLOR` to determine the color support. If `enable_colors` is: - `None`, it checks the environment variables and the terminal compatibility to ANSI. - `True`, it sets the color support to XTERM_256. - `False`, it sets the color support to NONE. - For different values that are not instances of `progressbar.env.ColorSupport`, it raises a ValueError. Args: enable_colors (progressbar.env.ColorSupport | None): The color support setting from the user. It can be None, True, False, or an instance of `progressbar.env.ColorSupport`. Returns: progressbar.env.ColorSupport: The determined color support. Raises: ValueError: If `enable_colors` is not None, True, False, or an instance of `progressbar.env.ColorSupport`. ''' color_support: progressbar.env.ColorSupport if enable_colors is None: colors = ( progressbar.env.env_flag('PROGRESSBAR_ENABLE_COLORS'), progressbar.env.env_flag('FORCE_COLOR'), self.is_ansi_terminal, ) for color_enabled in colors: if color_enabled is not None: if color_enabled: color_support = progressbar.env.COLOR_SUPPORT else: color_support = progressbar.env.ColorSupport.NONE break else: color_support = progressbar.env.ColorSupport.NONE elif enable_colors is True: color_support = progressbar.env.ColorSupport.XTERM_256 elif enable_colors is False: color_support = progressbar.env.ColorSupport.NONE elif isinstance(enable_colors, progressbar.env.ColorSupport): color_support = enable_colors else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid color support value: {enable_colors}') return color_support
[docs] def print(self, *args: types.Any, **kwargs: types.Any) -> None: print(*args, file=self.fd, **kwargs)
[docs] def start(self, **kwargs): os_specific.set_console_mode() super().start()
[docs] def update(self, *args: types.Any, **kwargs: types.Any) -> None: ProgressBarMixinBase.update(self, *args, **kwargs) line: str = converters.to_unicode(self._format_line()) if not self.enable_colors: line = utils.no_color(line) line = line.rstrip() + '\n' if self.line_breaks else '\r' + line try: # pragma: no cover self.fd.write(line) except UnicodeEncodeError: # pragma: no cover self.fd.write(types.cast(str, line.encode('ascii', 'replace')))
[docs] def finish( self, *args: types.Any, **kwargs: types.Any, ) -> None: # pragma: no cover os_specific.reset_console_mode() if self._finished: return end = kwargs.pop('end', '\n') ProgressBarMixinBase.finish(self, *args, **kwargs) if end and not self.line_breaks: self.fd.write(end) self.fd.flush()
def _format_line(self): 'Joins the widgets and justifies the line.' widgets = ''.join(self._to_unicode(self._format_widgets())) if self.left_justify: return widgets.ljust(self.term_width) else: return widgets.rjust(self.term_width) def _format_widgets(self): result = [] expanding = [] width = self.term_width data = for index, widget in enumerate(self.widgets): if isinstance( widget, widgets.WidgetBase, ) and not widget.check_size(self): continue elif isinstance(widget, widgets.AutoWidthWidgetBase): result.append(widget) expanding.insert(0, index) elif isinstance(widget, str): result.append(widget) width -= self.custom_len(widget) # type: ignore else: widget_output = converters.to_unicode(widget(self, data)) result.append(widget_output) width -= self.custom_len(widget_output) # type: ignore count = len(expanding) while expanding: portion = max(int(math.ceil(width * 1.0 / count)), 0) index = expanding.pop() widget = result[index] count -= 1 widget_output = widget(self, data, portion) width -= self.custom_len(widget_output) # type: ignore result[index] = widget_output return result @classmethod def _to_unicode(cls, args): for arg in args: yield converters.to_unicode(arg)
[docs] class ResizableMixin(ProgressBarMixinBase): def __init__(self, term_width: int | None = None, **kwargs): ProgressBarMixinBase.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.signal_set = False if term_width: self.term_width = term_width else: # pragma: no cover with contextlib.suppress(Exception): self._handle_resize() import signal self._prev_handle = signal.getsignal( signal.SIGWINCH # type: ignore ) signal.signal( signal.SIGWINCH, self._handle_resize # type: ignore ) self.signal_set = True def _handle_resize(self, signum=None, frame=None): 'Tries to catch resize signals sent from the terminal.' w, h = utils.get_terminal_size() self.term_width = w
[docs] def finish(self): # pragma: no cover ProgressBarMixinBase.finish(self) if self.signal_set: with contextlib.suppress(Exception): import signal signal.signal( signal.SIGWINCH, self._prev_handle # type: ignore )
[docs] class StdRedirectMixin(DefaultFdMixin): redirect_stderr: bool = False redirect_stdout: bool = False stdout: utils.WrappingIO | base.IO stderr: utils.WrappingIO | base.IO _stdout: base.IO _stderr: base.IO def __init__( self, redirect_stderr: bool = False, redirect_stdout: bool = False, **kwargs, ): DefaultFdMixin.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.redirect_stderr = redirect_stderr self.redirect_stdout = redirect_stdout self._stdout = self.stdout = sys.stdout self._stderr = self.stderr = sys.stderr
[docs] def start(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.redirect_stdout: utils.streams.wrap_stdout() if self.redirect_stderr: utils.streams.wrap_stderr() self._stdout = utils.streams.original_stdout self._stderr = utils.streams.original_stderr self.stdout = utils.streams.stdout self.stderr = utils.streams.stderr utils.streams.start_capturing(self) DefaultFdMixin.start(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def update(self, value: types.Optional[float] = None): if not self.line_breaks and utils.streams.needs_clear(): self.fd.write('\r' + ' ' * self.term_width + '\r') utils.streams.flush() DefaultFdMixin.update(self, value=value)
[docs] def finish(self, end='\n'): DefaultFdMixin.finish(self, end=end) utils.streams.stop_capturing(self) if self.redirect_stdout: utils.streams.unwrap_stdout() if self.redirect_stderr: utils.streams.unwrap_stderr()
[docs] class ProgressBar( StdRedirectMixin, ResizableMixin, ProgressBarBase, ): '''The ProgressBar class which updates and prints the bar. Args: min_value (int): The minimum/start value for the progress bar max_value (int): The maximum/end value for the progress bar. Defaults to `_DEFAULT_MAXVAL` widgets (list): The widgets to render, defaults to the result of `default_widget()` left_justify (bool): Justify to the left if `True` or the right if `False` initial_value (int): The value to start with poll_interval (float): The update interval in seconds. Note that if your widgets include timers or animations, the actual interval may be smaller (faster updates). Also note that updates never happens faster than `min_poll_interval` which can be used for reduced output in logs min_poll_interval (float): The minimum update interval in seconds. The bar will _not_ be updated faster than this, despite changes in the progress, unless `force=True`. This is limited to be at least `_MINIMUM_UPDATE_INTERVAL`. If available, it is also bound by the environment variable PROGRESSBAR_MINIMUM_UPDATE_INTERVAL widget_kwargs (dict): The default keyword arguments for widgets custom_len (function): Method to override how the line width is calculated. When using non-latin characters the width calculation might be off by default max_error (bool): When True the progressbar will raise an error if it goes beyond it's set max_value. Otherwise the max_value is simply raised when needed prefix (str): Prefix the progressbar with the given string suffix (str): Prefix the progressbar with the given string variables (dict): User-defined variables variables that can be used from a label using `format='{variables.my_var}'`. These values can be updated using `bar.update(my_var='newValue')` This can also be used to set initial values for variables' widgets line_offset (int): The number of lines to offset the progressbar from your current line. This is useful if you have other output or multiple progressbars A common way of using it is like: >>> progress = ProgressBar().start() >>> for i in range(100): ... progress.update(i + 1) ... # do something ... >>> progress.finish() You can also use a ProgressBar as an iterator: >>> progress = ProgressBar() >>> some_iterable = range(100) >>> for i in progress(some_iterable): ... # do something ... pass ... Since the progress bar is incredibly customizable you can specify different widgets of any type in any order. You can even write your own widgets! However, since there are already a good number of widgets you should probably play around with them before moving on to create your own widgets. The term_width parameter represents the current terminal width. If the parameter is set to an integer then the progress bar will use that, otherwise it will attempt to determine the terminal width falling back to 80 columns if the width cannot be determined. When implementing a widget's update method you are passed a reference to the current progress bar. As a result, you have access to the ProgressBar's methods and attributes. Although there is nothing preventing you from changing the ProgressBar you should treat it as read only. ''' _iterable: types.Optional[types.Iterator] _DEFAULT_MAXVAL: type[base.UnknownLength] = base.UnknownLength # update every 50 milliseconds (up to a 20 times per second) _MINIMUM_UPDATE_INTERVAL: float = 0.050 _last_update_time: types.Optional[float] = None paused: bool = False def __init__( self, min_value: NumberT = 0, max_value: NumberT | types.Type[base.UnknownLength] | None = None, widgets: types.Optional[ types.Sequence[widgets_module.WidgetBase | str] ] = None, left_justify: bool = True, initial_value: NumberT = 0, poll_interval: types.Optional[float] = None, widget_kwargs: types.Optional[types.Dict[str, types.Any]] = None, custom_len: types.Callable[[str], int] = utils.len_color, max_error=True, prefix=None, suffix=None, variables=None, min_poll_interval=None, **kwargs, ): # sourcery skip: low-code-quality '''Initializes a progress bar with sane defaults.''' StdRedirectMixin.__init__(self, **kwargs) ResizableMixin.__init__(self, **kwargs) ProgressBarBase.__init__(self, **kwargs) if not max_value and kwargs.get('maxval') is not None: warnings.warn( 'The usage of `maxval` is deprecated, please use ' '`max_value` instead', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=1, ) max_value = kwargs.get('maxval') if not poll_interval and kwargs.get('poll'): warnings.warn( 'The usage of `poll` is deprecated, please use ' '`poll_interval` instead', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=1, ) poll_interval = kwargs.get('poll') if max_value and min_value > types.cast(NumberT, max_value): raise ValueError( 'Max value needs to be bigger than the min value', ) self.min_value = min_value # Legacy issue, `max_value` can be `None` before execution. After # that it either has a value or is `UnknownLength` self.max_value = max_value # type: ignore self.max_error = max_error # Only copy the widget if it's safe to copy. Most widgets are so we # assume this to be true self.widgets = [] for widget in widgets or []: if getattr(widget, 'copy', True): widget = deepcopy(widget) self.widgets.append(widget) self.prefix = prefix self.suffix = suffix self.widget_kwargs = widget_kwargs or {} self.left_justify = left_justify self.value = initial_value self._iterable = None self.custom_len = custom_len # type: ignore self.initial_start_time = kwargs.get('start_time') self.init() # Convert a given timedelta to a floating point number as internal # interval. We're not using timedelta's internally for two reasons: # 1. Backwards compatibility (most important one) # 2. Performance. Even though the amount of time it takes to compare a # timedelta with a float versus a float directly is negligible, this # comparison is run for _every_ update. With billions of updates # (downloading a 1GiB file for example) this adds up. poll_interval = utils.deltas_to_seconds(poll_interval, default=None) min_poll_interval = utils.deltas_to_seconds( min_poll_interval, default=None, ) self._MINIMUM_UPDATE_INTERVAL = ( utils.deltas_to_seconds(self._MINIMUM_UPDATE_INTERVAL) or self._MINIMUM_UPDATE_INTERVAL ) # Note that the _MINIMUM_UPDATE_INTERVAL sets the minimum in case of # low values. self.poll_interval = poll_interval self.min_poll_interval = max( min_poll_interval or self._MINIMUM_UPDATE_INTERVAL, self._MINIMUM_UPDATE_INTERVAL, float(os.environ.get('PROGRESSBAR_MINIMUM_UPDATE_INTERVAL', 0)), ) # type: ignore # A dictionary of names that can be used by Variable and FormatWidget self.variables = utils.AttributeDict(variables or {}) for widget in self.widgets: if ( isinstance(widget, widgets_module.VariableMixin) and not in self.variables ): self.variables[] = None @property def dynamic_messages(self): # pragma: no cover return self.variables @dynamic_messages.setter def dynamic_messages(self, value): # pragma: no cover self.variables = value
[docs] def init(self): ''' (re)initialize values to original state so the progressbar can be used (again). ''' self.previous_value = None self.last_update_time = None self.start_time = None self.updates = 0 self.end_time = None self.extra = dict() self._last_update_timer = timeit.default_timer()
@property def percentage(self) -> float | None: '''Return current percentage, returns None if no max_value is given. >>> progress = ProgressBar() >>> progress.max_value = 10 >>> progress.min_value = 0 >>> progress.value = 0 >>> progress.percentage 0.0 >>> >>> progress.value = 1 >>> progress.percentage 10.0 >>> progress.value = 10 >>> progress.percentage 100.0 >>> progress.min_value = -10 >>> progress.percentage 100.0 >>> progress.value = 0 >>> progress.percentage 50.0 >>> progress.value = 5 >>> progress.percentage 75.0 >>> progress.value = -5 >>> progress.percentage 25.0 >>> progress.max_value = None >>> progress.percentage ''' if self.max_value is None or self.max_value is base.UnknownLength: return None elif self.max_value: todo = self.value - self.min_value total = self.max_value - self.min_value # type: ignore percentage = 100.0 * todo / total else: percentage = 100.0 return percentage
[docs] def data(self) -> types.Dict[str, types.Any]: ''' Returns: dict: - `max_value`: The maximum value (can be None with iterators) - `start_time`: Start time of the widget - `last_update_time`: Last update time of the widget - `end_time`: End time of the widget - `value`: The current value - `previous_value`: The previous value - `updates`: The total update count - `total_seconds_elapsed`: The seconds since the bar started - `seconds_elapsed`: The seconds since the bar started modulo 60 - `minutes_elapsed`: The minutes since the bar started modulo 60 - `hours_elapsed`: The hours since the bar started modulo 24 - `days_elapsed`: The hours since the bar started - `time_elapsed`: The raw elapsed `datetime.timedelta` object - `percentage`: Percentage as a float or `None` if no max_value is available - `dynamic_messages`: Deprecated, use `variables` instead. - `variables`: Dictionary of user-defined variables for the :py:class:`~progressbar.widgets.Variable`'s. ''' self._last_update_time = time.time() self._last_update_timer = timeit.default_timer() elapsed = self.last_update_time - self.start_time # type: ignore # For Python 2.7 and higher we have _`timedelta.total_seconds`, but we # want to support older versions as well total_seconds_elapsed = utils.deltas_to_seconds(elapsed) return dict( # The maximum value (can be None with iterators) max_value=self.max_value, # Start time of the widget start_time=self.start_time, # Last update time of the widget last_update_time=self.last_update_time, # End time of the widget end_time=self.end_time, # The current value value=self.value, # The previous value previous_value=self.previous_value, # The total update count updates=self.updates, # The seconds since the bar started total_seconds_elapsed=total_seconds_elapsed, # The seconds since the bar started modulo 60 seconds_elapsed=(elapsed.seconds % 60) + (elapsed.microseconds / 1000000.0), # The minutes since the bar started modulo 60 minutes_elapsed=(elapsed.seconds / 60) % 60, # The hours since the bar started modulo 24 hours_elapsed=(elapsed.seconds / (60 * 60)) % 24, # The hours since the bar started days_elapsed=(elapsed.seconds / (60 * 60 * 24)), # The raw elapsed `datetime.timedelta` object time_elapsed=elapsed, # Percentage as a float or `None` if no max_value is available percentage=self.percentage, # Dictionary of user-defined # :py:class:`progressbar.widgets.Variable`'s variables=self.variables, # Deprecated alias for `variables` dynamic_messages=self.variables, )
[docs] def default_widgets(self): if self.max_value: return [ widgets.Percentage(**self.widget_kwargs), ' ', widgets.SimpleProgress( format=f'({widgets.SimpleProgress.DEFAULT_FORMAT})', **self.widget_kwargs, ), ' ', widgets.Bar(**self.widget_kwargs), ' ', widgets.Timer(**self.widget_kwargs), ' ', widgets.SmoothingETA(**self.widget_kwargs), ] else: return [ widgets.AnimatedMarker(**self.widget_kwargs), ' ', widgets.BouncingBar(**self.widget_kwargs), ' ', widgets.Counter(**self.widget_kwargs), ' ', widgets.Timer(**self.widget_kwargs), ]
def __call__(self, iterable, max_value=None): 'Use a ProgressBar to iterate through an iterable.' if max_value is not None: self.max_value = max_value elif self.max_value is None: try: self.max_value = len(iterable) except TypeError: # pragma: no cover self.max_value = base.UnknownLength self._iterable = iter(iterable) return self def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): try: if self._iterable is None: # pragma: no cover value = self.value else: value = next(self._iterable) if self.start_time is None: self.start() else: self.update(self.value + 1) except StopIteration: self.finish() raise except GeneratorExit: # pragma: no cover self.finish(dirty=True) raise else: return value def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.finish(dirty=bool(exc_type)) def __enter__(self): return self # Create an alias so that Python 2.x won't complain about not being # an iterator. next = __next__ def __iadd__(self, value): 'Updates the ProgressBar by adding a new value.' return self.increment(value)
[docs] def increment(self, value=1, *args, **kwargs): self.update(self.value + value, *args, **kwargs) return self
def _needs_update(self): 'Returns whether the ProgressBar should redraw the line.' if self.paused: return False delta = timeit.default_timer() - self._last_update_timer if delta < self.min_poll_interval: # Prevent updating too often return False elif self.poll_interval and delta > self.poll_interval: # Needs to redraw timers and animations return True # Update if value increment is not large enough to # add more bars to progressbar (according to current # terminal width) with contextlib.suppress(Exception): divisor: float = self.max_value / self.term_width # type: ignore value_divisor = self.value // divisor # type: ignore pvalue_divisor = self.previous_value // divisor # type: ignore if value_divisor != pvalue_divisor: return True # No need to redraw yet return False
[docs] def update(self, value=None, force=False, **kwargs): 'Updates the ProgressBar to a new value.' if self.start_time is None: self.start() if ( value is not None and value is not base.UnknownLength and isinstance(value, (int, float)) ): if self.max_value is base.UnknownLength: # Can't compare against unknown lengths so just update pass elif self.min_value > value: # type: ignore raise ValueError( f'Value {value} is too small. Should be ' f'between {self.min_value} and {self.max_value}', ) elif self.max_value < value: # type: ignore if self.max_error: raise ValueError( f'Value {value} is too large. Should be between ' f'{self.min_value} and {self.max_value}', ) else: value = self.max_value self.previous_value = self.value self.value = value # type: ignore # Save the updated values for dynamic messages variables_changed = self._update_variables(kwargs) if self._needs_update() or variables_changed or force: self._update_parents(value)
def _update_variables(self, kwargs): variables_changed = False for key, value_ in kwargs.items(): if key not in self.variables: raise TypeError( 'update() got an unexpected variable name as argument ' '{key!r}', ) elif self.variables[key] != value_: self.variables[key] = kwargs[key] variables_changed = True return variables_changed def _update_parents(self, value): self.updates += 1 ResizableMixin.update(self, value=value) ProgressBarBase.update(self, value=value) StdRedirectMixin.update(self, value=value) # type: ignore # Only flush if something was actually written self.fd.flush()
[docs] def start(self, max_value=None, init=True, *args, **kwargs): '''Starts measuring time, and prints the bar at 0%. It returns self so you can use it like this: Args: max_value (int): The maximum value of the progressbar init (bool): (Re)Initialize the progressbar, this is useful if you wish to reuse the same progressbar but can be disabled if data needs to be persisted between runs >>> pbar = ProgressBar().start() >>> for i in range(100): ... # do something ... pbar.update(i+1) ... >>> pbar.finish() ''' if init: self.init() # Prevent multiple starts if self.start_time is not None: # pragma: no cover return self if max_value is not None: self.max_value = max_value if self.max_value is None: self.max_value = self._DEFAULT_MAXVAL StdRedirectMixin.start(self, max_value=max_value) ResizableMixin.start(self, max_value=max_value) ProgressBarBase.start(self, max_value=max_value) # Constructing the default widgets is only done when we know max_value if not self.widgets: self.widgets = self.default_widgets() self._init_prefix() self._init_suffix() self._calculate_poll_interval() self._verify_max_value() now = self.start_time = self.initial_start_time or now self.last_update_time = now self._last_update_timer = timeit.default_timer() self.update(self.min_value, force=True) return self
def _init_suffix(self): if self.suffix: self.widgets.append( widgets.FormatLabel(self.suffix, new_style=True), ) # Unset the suffix variable after applying so an extra start() # won't keep copying it self.suffix = None def _init_prefix(self): if self.prefix: self.widgets.insert( 0, widgets.FormatLabel(self.prefix, new_style=True), ) # Unset the prefix variable after applying so an extra start() # won't keep copying it self.prefix = None def _verify_max_value(self): if ( self.max_value is not base.UnknownLength and self.max_value is not None and self.max_value < 0 # type: ignore ): raise ValueError('max_value out of range, got %r' % self.max_value) def _calculate_poll_interval(self) -> None: self.num_intervals = max(100, self.term_width) for widget in self.widgets: interval: int | float | None = utils.deltas_to_seconds( getattr(widget, 'INTERVAL', None), default=None, ) if interval is not None: self.poll_interval = min( self.poll_interval or interval, interval, )
[docs] def finish(self, end='\n', dirty=False): ''' Puts the ProgressBar bar in the finished state. Also flushes and disables output buffering if this was the last progressbar running. Args: end (str): The string to end the progressbar with, defaults to a newline dirty (bool): When True the progressbar kept the current state and won't be set to 100 percent ''' if not dirty: self.end_time = self.update(self.max_value, force=True) StdRedirectMixin.finish(self, end=end) ResizableMixin.finish(self) ProgressBarBase.finish(self)
@property def currval(self): ''' Legacy method to make progressbar-2 compatible with the original progressbar package. ''' warnings.warn( 'The usage of `currval` is deprecated, please use ' '`value` instead', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=1, ) return self.value
[docs] class DataTransferBar(ProgressBar): '''A progress bar with sensible defaults for downloads etc. This assumes that the values its given are numbers of bytes. '''
[docs] def default_widgets(self): if self.max_value: return [ widgets.Percentage(), ' of ', widgets.DataSize('max_value'), ' ', widgets.Bar(), ' ', widgets.Timer(), ' ', widgets.SmoothingETA(), ] else: return [ widgets.AnimatedMarker(), ' ', widgets.DataSize(), ' ', widgets.Timer(), ]
[docs] class NullBar(ProgressBar): ''' Progress bar that does absolutely nothing. Useful for single verbosity flags. '''
[docs] def start(self, *args, **kwargs): return self
[docs] def update(self, *args, **kwargs): return self
[docs] def finish(self, *args, **kwargs): return self