Source code for progressbar.widgets

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import contextlib
import datetime
import functools
import logging
import typing

# Ruff is being stupid and doesn't understand `ClassVar` if it comes from the
# `types` module
from typing import ClassVar

from python_utils import containers, converters, types

from . import algorithms, base, terminal, utils
from .terminal import colors

    from .bar import NumberT, ProgressBarMixinBase

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

MAX_TIME = datetime.time.max
MAX_DATETIME = datetime.datetime.max

Data = types.Dict[str, types.Any]
FormatString = typing.Optional[str]

T = typing.TypeVar('T')

[docs] def string_or_lambda(input_): if isinstance(input_, str): def render_input(progress, data, width): return input_ % data return render_input else: return input_
[docs] def create_wrapper(wrapper): """Convert a wrapper tuple or format string to a format string. >>> create_wrapper('') >>> print(create_wrapper('a{}b')) a{}b >>> print(create_wrapper(('a', 'b'))) a{}b """ if isinstance(wrapper, tuple) and len(wrapper) == 2: a, b = wrapper wrapper = (a or '') + '{}' + (b or '') elif not wrapper: return None if isinstance(wrapper, str): assert '{}' in wrapper, 'Expected string with {} for formatting' else: raise RuntimeError( # noqa: TRY004 'Pass either a begin/end string as a tuple or a template string ' 'with `{}`', ) return wrapper
[docs] def wrapper(function, wrapper_): """Wrap the output of a function in a template string or a tuple with begin/end strings. """ wrapper_ = create_wrapper(wrapper_) if not wrapper_: return function @functools.wraps(function) def wrap(*args: typing.Any, **kwargs: typing.Any): return wrapper_.format(function(*args, **kwargs)) return wrap
[docs] def create_marker(marker, wrap=None): def _marker(progress, data, width): if ( progress.max_value is not base.UnknownLength and progress.max_value > 0 ): length = int(progress.value / progress.max_value * width) return marker * length else: return marker if isinstance(marker, str): marker = converters.to_unicode(marker) # Ruff is silly at times... the format is not compatible with the check marker_length_error = 'Markers are required to be 1 char' assert utils.len_color(marker) == 1, marker_length_error return wrapper(_marker, wrap) else: return wrapper(marker, wrap)
[docs] class FormatWidgetMixin(abc.ABC): """Mixin to format widgets using a formatstring. Variables available: - max_value: The maximum value (can be None with iterators) - value: The current value - total_seconds_elapsed: The seconds since the bar started - seconds_elapsed: The seconds since the bar started modulo 60 - minutes_elapsed: The minutes since the bar started modulo 60 - hours_elapsed: The hours since the bar started modulo 24 - days_elapsed: The hours since the bar started - time_elapsed: Shortcut for HH:MM:SS time since the bar started including days - percentage: Percentage as a float """ def __init__( self, format: str, new_style: bool = False, **kwargs: typing.Any ): self.new_style = new_style self.format = format
[docs] def get_format( self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data: Data, format: types.Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: return format or self.format
def __call__( self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data: Data, format: types.Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: """Formats the widget into a string.""" format_ = self.get_format(progress, data, format) try: if self.new_style: return format_.format(**data) else: return format_ % data except (TypeError, KeyError): logger.exception( 'Error while formatting %r with data: %r', format_, data, ) raise
[docs] class WidthWidgetMixin(abc.ABC): """Mixing to make sure widgets are only visible if the screen is within a specified size range so the progressbar fits on both large and small screens. Variables available: - min_width: Only display the widget if at least `min_width` is left - max_width: Only display the widget if at most `max_width` is left >>> class Progress: ... term_width = 0 >>> WidthWidgetMixin(5, 10).check_size(Progress) False >>> Progress.term_width = 5 >>> WidthWidgetMixin(5, 10).check_size(Progress) True >>> Progress.term_width = 10 >>> WidthWidgetMixin(5, 10).check_size(Progress) True >>> Progress.term_width = 11 >>> WidthWidgetMixin(5, 10).check_size(Progress) False """ def __init__(self, min_width=None, max_width=None, **kwargs: typing.Any): self.min_width = min_width self.max_width = max_width
[docs] def check_size(self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase): max_width = self.max_width min_width = self.min_width if min_width and min_width > progress.term_width: return False elif max_width and max_width < progress.term_width: # noqa: SIM103 return False else: return True
[docs] class TGradientColors(typing.TypedDict): fg: types.Optional[terminal.OptionalColor | None] bg: types.Optional[terminal.OptionalColor | None]
[docs] class TFixedColors(typing.TypedDict): fg_none: types.Optional[terminal.Color | None] bg_none: types.Optional[terminal.Color | None]
[docs] class WidgetBase(WidthWidgetMixin, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """The base class for all widgets. The ProgressBar will call the widget's update value when the widget should be updated. The widget's size may change between calls, but the widget may display incorrectly if the size changes drastically and repeatedly. The INTERVAL timedelta informs the ProgressBar that it should be updated more often because it is time sensitive. The widgets are only visible if the screen is within a specified size range so the progressbar fits on both large and small screens. WARNING: Widgets can be shared between multiple progressbars so any state information specific to a progressbar should be stored within the progressbar instead of the widget. Variables available: - min_width: Only display the widget if at least `min_width` is left - max_width: Only display the widget if at most `max_width` is left - weight: Widgets with a higher `weight` will be calculated before widgets with a lower one - copy: Copy this widget when initializing the progress bar so the progressbar can be reused. Some widgets such as the FormatCustomText require the shared state so this needs to be optional """ copy = True @abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data: Data) -> str: """Updates the widget. progress - a reference to the calling ProgressBar """ _fixed_colors: ClassVar[TFixedColors] = TFixedColors( fg_none=None, bg_none=None, ) _gradient_colors: ClassVar[TGradientColors] = TGradientColors( fg=None, bg=None, ) # _fixed_colors: ClassVar[dict[str, terminal.Color | None]] = dict() # _gradient_colors: ClassVar[dict[str, terminal.OptionalColor | None]] = ( # dict()) _len: typing.Callable[[str | bytes], int] = len @functools.cached_property def uses_colors(self): for value in self._gradient_colors.values(): # pragma: no branch if value is not None: # pragma: no branch return True return any(value is not None for value in self._fixed_colors.values()) def _apply_colors(self, text: str, data: Data) -> str: if self.uses_colors: return terminal.apply_colors( text, data.get('percentage'), **self._gradient_colors, **self._fixed_colors, ) else: return text def __init__( self, *args, fixed_colors=None, gradient_colors=None, **kwargs, ): if fixed_colors is not None: self._fixed_colors.update(fixed_colors) if gradient_colors is not None: self._gradient_colors.update(gradient_colors) if self.uses_colors: self._len = utils.len_color super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] class AutoWidthWidgetBase(WidgetBase, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """The base class for all variable width widgets. This widget is much like the \\hfill command in TeX, it will expand to fill the line. You can use more than one in the same line, and they will all have the same width, and together will fill the line. """ @abc.abstractmethod def __call__( self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data: Data, width: int = 0, ) -> str: """Updates the widget providing the total width the widget must fill. progress - a reference to the calling ProgressBar width - The total width the widget must fill """
[docs] class TimeSensitiveWidgetBase(WidgetBase, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """The base class for all time sensitive widgets. Some widgets like timers would become out of date unless updated at least every `INTERVAL` """ INTERVAL = datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=100)
[docs] class FormatLabel(FormatWidgetMixin, WidgetBase): """Displays a formatted label. >>> label = FormatLabel('%(value)s', min_width=5, max_width=10) >>> class Progress: ... pass >>> label = FormatLabel('{value} :: {value:^6}', new_style=True) >>> str(label(Progress, dict(value='test'))) 'test :: test ' """ mapping: ClassVar[types.Dict[str, types.Tuple[str, types.Any]]] = dict( finished=('end_time', None), last_update=('last_update_time', None), max=('max_value', None), seconds=('seconds_elapsed', None), start=('start_time', None), elapsed=('total_seconds_elapsed', utils.format_time), value=('value', None), ) def __init__(self, format: str, **kwargs: typing.Any): FormatWidgetMixin.__init__(self, format=format, **kwargs) WidgetBase.__init__(self, **kwargs) def __call__( self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data: Data, format: types.Optional[str] = None, ): for name, (key, transform) in self.mapping.items(): with contextlib.suppress(KeyError, ValueError, IndexError): if transform is None: data[name] = data[key] else: data[name] = transform(data[key]) return FormatWidgetMixin.__call__(self, progress, data, format)
[docs] class Timer(FormatLabel, TimeSensitiveWidgetBase): """WidgetBase which displays the elapsed seconds.""" def __init__( self, format='Elapsed Time: %(elapsed)s', **kwargs: typing.Any ): if '%s' in format and '%(elapsed)s' not in format: format = format.replace('%s', '%(elapsed)s') FormatLabel.__init__(self, format=format, **kwargs) TimeSensitiveWidgetBase.__init__(self, **kwargs) # This is exposed as a static method for backwards compatibility format_time = staticmethod(utils.format_time)
[docs] class SamplesMixin(TimeSensitiveWidgetBase, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Mixing for widgets that average multiple measurements. Note that samples can be either an integer or a timedelta to indicate a certain amount of time >>> class progress: ... last_update_time = ... value = 1 ... extra = dict() >>> samples = SamplesMixin(samples=2) >>> samples(progress, None, True) (None, None) >>> progress.last_update_time += datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) >>> samples(progress, None, True) == (datetime.timedelta(seconds=1), 0) True >>> progress.last_update_time += datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) >>> samples(progress, None, True) == (datetime.timedelta(seconds=1), 0) True >>> samples = SamplesMixin(samples=datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)) >>> _, value = samples(progress, None) >>> value SliceableDeque([1, 1]) >>> samples(progress, None, True) == (datetime.timedelta(seconds=1), 0) True """ def __init__( self, samples=datetime.timedelta(seconds=2), key_prefix=None, **kwargs, ): self.samples = samples self.key_prefix = (key_prefix or self.__class__.__name__) + '_' TimeSensitiveWidgetBase.__init__(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_sample_times(self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data: Data): return progress.extra.setdefault( f'{self.key_prefix}sample_times', containers.SliceableDeque(), )
[docs] def get_sample_values(self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data: Data): return progress.extra.setdefault( f'{self.key_prefix}sample_values', containers.SliceableDeque(), )
def __call__( self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data: Data, delta: bool = False, ): sample_times = self.get_sample_times(progress, data) sample_values = self.get_sample_values(progress, data) if sample_times: sample_time = sample_times[-1] else: sample_time = datetime.datetime.min if progress.last_update_time - sample_time > self.INTERVAL: # Add a sample but limit the size to `num_samples` sample_times.append(progress.last_update_time) sample_values.append(progress.value) if isinstance(self.samples, datetime.timedelta): minimum_time = progress.last_update_time - self.samples minimum_value = sample_values[-1] while ( sample_times[2:] and minimum_time > sample_times[1] and minimum_value > sample_values[1] ): sample_times.pop(0) sample_values.pop(0) elif len(sample_times) > self.samples: sample_times.pop(0) sample_values.pop(0) if delta: if delta_time := sample_times[-1] - sample_times[0]: delta_value = sample_values[-1] - sample_values[0] return delta_time, delta_value else: return None, None else: return sample_times, sample_values
[docs] class ETA(Timer): """WidgetBase which attempts to estimate the time of arrival.""" def __init__( self, format_not_started='ETA: --:--:--', format_finished='Time: %(elapsed)8s', format='ETA: %(eta)8s', format_zero='ETA: 00:00:00', format_na='ETA: N/A', **kwargs, ): if '%s' in format and '%(eta)s' not in format: format = format.replace('%s', '%(eta)s') Timer.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.format_not_started = format_not_started self.format_finished = format_finished self.format = format self.format_zero = format_zero self.format_NA = format_na def _calculate_eta( self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data: Data, value, elapsed, ): """Updates the widget to show the ETA or total time when finished.""" if elapsed: # The max() prevents zero division errors per_item = elapsed.total_seconds() / max(value, 1e-6) remaining = progress.max_value - data['value'] return remaining * per_item else: return 0 def __call__( self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data: Data, value=None, elapsed=None, ): """Updates the widget to show the ETA or total time when finished.""" if value is None: value = data['value'] if elapsed is None: elapsed = data['time_elapsed'] eta_na = False try: data['eta_seconds'] = self._calculate_eta( progress, data, value=value, elapsed=elapsed, ) except TypeError: data['eta_seconds'] = None eta_na = True data['eta'] = None if data['eta_seconds']: with contextlib.suppress(ValueError, OverflowError, OSError): data['eta'] = utils.format_time(data['eta_seconds']) if data['value'] == progress.min_value: fmt = self.format_not_started elif progress.end_time: fmt = self.format_finished elif data['eta']: fmt = self.format elif eta_na: fmt = self.format_NA else: fmt = self.format_zero return Timer.__call__(self, progress, data, format=fmt)
[docs] class AbsoluteETA(ETA): """Widget which attempts to estimate the absolute time of arrival.""" def _calculate_eta( self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data: Data, value, elapsed, ): eta_seconds = ETA._calculate_eta(self, progress, data, value, elapsed) now = try: return now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=eta_seconds) except OverflowError: # pragma: no cover return datetime.datetime.max def __init__( self, format_not_started='Estimated finish time: ----/--/-- --:--:--', format_finished='Finished at: %(elapsed)s', format='Estimated finish time: %(eta)s', **kwargs, ): ETA.__init__( self, format_not_started=format_not_started, format_finished=format_finished, format=format, **kwargs, )
[docs] class AdaptiveETA(ETA, SamplesMixin): """WidgetBase which attempts to estimate the time of arrival. Uses a sampled average of the speed based on the 10 last updates. Very convenient for resuming the progress halfway. """ exponential_smoothing: bool exponential_smoothing_factor: float def __init__( self, exponential_smoothing=True, exponential_smoothing_factor=0.1, **kwargs, ): self.exponential_smoothing = exponential_smoothing self.exponential_smoothing_factor = exponential_smoothing_factor ETA.__init__(self, **kwargs) SamplesMixin.__init__(self, **kwargs) def __call__( self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data: Data, value=None, elapsed=None, ): elapsed, value = SamplesMixin.__call__( self, progress, data, delta=True, ) if not elapsed: value = None elapsed = 0 return ETA.__call__(self, progress, data, value=value, elapsed=elapsed)
[docs] class SmoothingETA(ETA): """ WidgetBase which attempts to estimate the time of arrival using an exponential moving average (EMA) of the speed. EMA applies more weight to recent data points and less to older ones, and doesn't require storing all past values. This approach works well with varying data points and smooths out fluctuations effectively. """ smoothing_algorithm: algorithms.SmoothingAlgorithm smoothing_parameters: dict[str, float] def __init__( self, smoothing_algorithm: type[ algorithms.SmoothingAlgorithm ] = algorithms.ExponentialMovingAverage, smoothing_parameters: dict[str, float] | None = None, **kwargs, ): self.smoothing_parameters = smoothing_parameters or {} self.smoothing_algorithm = smoothing_algorithm( **(self.smoothing_parameters or {}), ) ETA.__init__(self, **kwargs) def __call__( self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data: Data, value=None, elapsed=None, ): if value is None: # pragma: no branch value = data['value'] if elapsed is None: # pragma: no branch elapsed = data['time_elapsed'] self.smoothing_algorithm.update(value, elapsed) return ETA.__call__(self, progress, data, value=value, elapsed=elapsed)
[docs] class DataSize(FormatWidgetMixin, WidgetBase): """ Widget for showing an amount of data transferred/processed. Automatically formats the value (assumed to be a count of bytes) with an appropriate sized unit, based on the IEC binary prefixes (powers of 1024). """ def __init__( self, variable='value', format='%(scaled)5.1f %(prefix)s%(unit)s', unit='B', prefixes=('', 'Ki', 'Mi', 'Gi', 'Ti', 'Pi', 'Ei', 'Zi', 'Yi'), **kwargs, ): self.variable = variable self.unit = unit self.prefixes = prefixes FormatWidgetMixin.__init__(self, format=format, **kwargs) WidgetBase.__init__(self, **kwargs) def __call__( self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data: Data, format: types.Optional[str] = None, ): value = data[self.variable] if value is not None: scaled, power = utils.scale_1024(value, len(self.prefixes)) else: scaled = power = 0 data['scaled'] = scaled data['prefix'] = self.prefixes[power] data['unit'] = self.unit return FormatWidgetMixin.__call__(self, progress, data, format)
[docs] class FileTransferSpeed(FormatWidgetMixin, TimeSensitiveWidgetBase): """ Widget for showing the current transfer speed (useful for file transfers). """ def __init__( self, format='%(scaled)5.1f %(prefix)s%(unit)-s/s', inverse_format='%(scaled)5.1f s/%(prefix)s%(unit)-s', unit='B', prefixes=('', 'Ki', 'Mi', 'Gi', 'Ti', 'Pi', 'Ei', 'Zi', 'Yi'), **kwargs, ): self.unit = unit self.prefixes = prefixes self.inverse_format = inverse_format FormatWidgetMixin.__init__(self, format=format, **kwargs) TimeSensitiveWidgetBase.__init__(self, **kwargs) def _speed(self, value, elapsed): speed = float(value) / elapsed return utils.scale_1024(speed, len(self.prefixes)) def __call__( self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data, value=None, total_seconds_elapsed=None, ): """Updates the widget with the current SI prefixed speed.""" if value is None: value = data['value'] elapsed = utils.deltas_to_seconds( total_seconds_elapsed, data['total_seconds_elapsed'], ) if ( value is not None and elapsed is not None and elapsed > 2e-6 and value > 2e-6 ): # =~ 0 scaled, power = self._speed(value, elapsed) else: scaled = power = 0 data['unit'] = self.unit if power == 0 and scaled < 0.1: if scaled > 0: scaled = 1 / scaled data['scaled'] = scaled data['prefix'] = self.prefixes[0] return FormatWidgetMixin.__call__( self, progress, data, self.inverse_format, ) else: data['scaled'] = scaled data['prefix'] = self.prefixes[power] return FormatWidgetMixin.__call__(self, progress, data)
[docs] class AdaptiveTransferSpeed(FileTransferSpeed, SamplesMixin): """Widget for showing the transfer speed based on the last X samples.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs: typing.Any): FileTransferSpeed.__init__(self, **kwargs) SamplesMixin.__init__(self, **kwargs) def __call__( self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data, value=None, total_seconds_elapsed=None, ): elapsed, value = SamplesMixin.__call__( self, progress, data, delta=True, ) return FileTransferSpeed.__call__(self, progress, data, value, elapsed)
[docs] class AnimatedMarker(TimeSensitiveWidgetBase): """An animated marker for the progress bar which defaults to appear as if it were rotating. """ def __init__( self, markers='|/-\\', default=None, fill='', marker_wrap=None, fill_wrap=None, **kwargs, ): self.markers = markers self.marker_wrap = create_wrapper(marker_wrap) self.default = default or markers[0] self.fill_wrap = create_wrapper(fill_wrap) self.fill = create_marker(fill, self.fill_wrap) if fill else None WidgetBase.__init__(self, **kwargs) def __call__(self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data: Data, width=None): """Updates the widget to show the next marker or the first marker when finished. """ if progress.end_time: return self.default marker = self.markers[data['updates'] % len(self.markers)] if self.marker_wrap: marker = self.marker_wrap.format(marker) if self.fill: # Cut the last character so we can replace it with our marker fill = self.fill( progress, data, width - progress.custom_len(marker), # type: ignore ) else: fill = '' # Python 3 returns an int when indexing bytes if isinstance(marker, int): # pragma: no cover marker = bytes(marker) fill = fill.encode() else: # cast fill to the same type as marker fill = type(marker)(fill) return fill + marker # type: ignore
# Alias for backwards compatibility RotatingMarker = AnimatedMarker
[docs] class Counter(FormatWidgetMixin, WidgetBase): """Displays the current count.""" def __init__(self, format='%(value)d', **kwargs: typing.Any): FormatWidgetMixin.__init__(self, format=format, **kwargs) WidgetBase.__init__(self, format=format, **kwargs) def __call__( self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data: Data, format=None, ): return FormatWidgetMixin.__call__(self, progress, data, format)
[docs] class ColoredMixin: _fixed_colors: ClassVar[TFixedColors] = TFixedColors( fg_none=colors.yellow, bg_none=None, ) _gradient_colors: ClassVar[TGradientColors] = TGradientColors( fg=colors.gradient, bg=None, )
# _fixed_colors: ClassVar[dict[str, terminal.Color | None]] = dict( # fg_none=colors.yellow, bg_none=None) # _gradient_colors: ClassVar[dict[str, terminal.OptionalColor | # None]] = dict(fg=colors.gradient, # bg=None)
[docs] class Percentage(FormatWidgetMixin, ColoredMixin, WidgetBase): """Displays the current percentage as a number with a percent sign.""" def __init__( self, format='%(percentage)3d%%', na='N/A%%', **kwargs: typing.Any ): = na FormatWidgetMixin.__init__(self, format=format, **kwargs) WidgetBase.__init__(self, format=format, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_format( self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data: Data, format=None, ): # If percentage is not available, display N/A% percentage = data.get('percentage', base.Undefined) if not percentage and percentage != 0: output = else: output = FormatWidgetMixin.get_format(self, progress, data, format) return self._apply_colors(output, data)
[docs] class SimpleProgress(FormatWidgetMixin, ColoredMixin, WidgetBase): """Returns progress as a count of the total (e.g.: "5 of 47").""" max_width_cache: dict[ str | tuple[ NumberT | types.Type[base.UnknownLength] | None, NumberT | types.Type[base.UnknownLength] | None, ], types.Optional[int], ] DEFAULT_FORMAT = '%(value_s)s of %(max_value_s)s' def __init__(self, format=DEFAULT_FORMAT, **kwargs: typing.Any): FormatWidgetMixin.__init__(self, format=format, **kwargs) WidgetBase.__init__(self, format=format, **kwargs) self.max_width_cache = dict() # Pyright isn't happy when we set the key in the initialiser self.max_width_cache['default'] = self.max_width or 0 def __call__( self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data: Data, format=None, ): # If max_value is not available, display N/A if data.get('max_value'): data['max_value_s'] = data['max_value'] else: data['max_value_s'] = 'N/A' # if value is not available it's the zeroth iteration if data.get('value'): data['value_s'] = data['value'] else: data['value_s'] = 0 formatted = FormatWidgetMixin.__call__( self, progress, data, format=format, ) # Guess the maximum width from the min and max value key = progress.min_value, progress.max_value max_width: types.Optional[int] = self.max_width_cache.get( key, self.max_width, ) if not max_width: temporary_data = data.copy() for value in key: if value is None: # pragma: no cover continue temporary_data['value'] = value if width := progress.custom_len( # pragma: no branch FormatWidgetMixin.__call__( self, progress, temporary_data, format=format, ), ): max_width = max(max_width or 0, width) self.max_width_cache[key] = max_width # Adjust the output to have a consistent size in all cases if max_width: # pragma: no branch formatted = formatted.rjust(max_width) return self._apply_colors(formatted, data)
[docs] class Bar(AutoWidthWidgetBase): """A progress bar which stretches to fill the line.""" fg: terminal.OptionalColor | None = colors.gradient bg: terminal.OptionalColor | None = None def __init__( self, marker='#', left='|', right='|', fill=' ', fill_left=True, marker_wrap=None, **kwargs, ): """Creates a customizable progress bar. The callable takes the same parameters as the `__call__` method marker - string or callable object to use as a marker left - string or callable object to use as a left border right - string or callable object to use as a right border fill - character to use for the empty part of the progress bar fill_left - whether to fill from the left or the right """ self.marker = create_marker(marker, marker_wrap) self.left = string_or_lambda(left) self.right = string_or_lambda(right) self.fill = string_or_lambda(fill) self.fill_left = fill_left AutoWidthWidgetBase.__init__(self, **kwargs) def __call__( self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data: Data, width: int = 0, color=True, ): """Updates the progress bar and its subcomponents.""" left = converters.to_unicode(self.left(progress, data, width)) right = converters.to_unicode(self.right(progress, data, width)) width -= progress.custom_len(left) + progress.custom_len(right) marker = converters.to_unicode(self.marker(progress, data, width)) fill = converters.to_unicode(self.fill(progress, data, width)) # Make sure we ignore invisible characters when filling width += len(marker) - progress.custom_len(marker) if self.fill_left: marker = marker.ljust(width, fill) else: marker = marker.rjust(width, fill) if color: marker = self._apply_colors(marker, data) return left + marker + right
[docs] class ReverseBar(Bar): """A bar which has a marker that goes from right to left.""" def __init__( self, marker='#', left='|', right='|', fill=' ', fill_left=False, **kwargs, ): """Creates a customizable progress bar. marker - string or updatable object to use as a marker left - string or updatable object to use as a left border right - string or updatable object to use as a right border fill - character to use for the empty part of the progress bar fill_left - whether to fill from the left or the right """ Bar.__init__( self, marker=marker, left=left, right=right, fill=fill, fill_left=fill_left, **kwargs, )
[docs] class BouncingBar(Bar, TimeSensitiveWidgetBase): """A bar which has a marker which bounces from side to side.""" INTERVAL = datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=100) def __call__( self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data: Data, width: int = 0, color=True, ): """Updates the progress bar and its subcomponents.""" left = converters.to_unicode(self.left(progress, data, width)) right = converters.to_unicode(self.right(progress, data, width)) width -= progress.custom_len(left) + progress.custom_len(right) marker = converters.to_unicode(self.marker(progress, data, width)) fill = converters.to_unicode(self.fill(progress, data, width)) if width: # pragma: no branch value = int( data['total_seconds_elapsed'] / self.INTERVAL.total_seconds(), ) a = value % width b = width - a - 1 if value % (width * 2) >= width: a, b = b, a if self.fill_left: marker = a * fill + marker + b * fill else: marker = b * fill + marker + a * fill return left + marker + right
[docs] class FormatCustomText(FormatWidgetMixin, WidgetBase): mapping: types.Dict[str, types.Any] = dict() # noqa: RUF012 copy = False def __init__( self, format: str, mapping: types.Optional[types.Dict[str, types.Any]] = None, **kwargs, ): self.format = format self.mapping = mapping or self.mapping FormatWidgetMixin.__init__(self, format=format, **kwargs) WidgetBase.__init__(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def update_mapping(self, **mapping: types.Dict[str, types.Any]): self.mapping.update(mapping)
def __call__( self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data: Data, format: types.Optional[str] = None, ): return FormatWidgetMixin.__call__( self, progress, self.mapping, format or self.format, )
[docs] class VariableMixin: """Mixin to display a custom user variable.""" def __init__(self, name, **kwargs: typing.Any): if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError('Variable(): argument must be a string') if len(name.split()) > 1: raise ValueError('Variable(): argument must be single word') = name
[docs] class MultiRangeBar(Bar, VariableMixin): """ A bar with multiple sub-ranges, each represented by a different symbol. The various ranges are represented on a user-defined variable, formatted as .. code-block:: python [['Symbol1', amount1], ['Symbol2', amount2], ...] """ def __init__(self, name, markers, **kwargs: typing.Any): VariableMixin.__init__(self, name) Bar.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.markers = [string_or_lambda(marker) for marker in markers]
[docs] def get_values(self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data: Data): return data['variables'][] or []
def __call__( self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data: Data, width: int = 0, color=True, ): """Updates the progress bar and its subcomponents.""" left = converters.to_unicode(self.left(progress, data, width)) right = converters.to_unicode(self.right(progress, data, width)) width -= progress.custom_len(left) + progress.custom_len(right) values = self.get_values(progress, data) values_sum = sum(values) if width and values_sum: middle = '' values_accumulated = 0 width_accumulated = 0 for marker, value in zip(self.markers, values): marker = converters.to_unicode(marker(progress, data, width)) assert progress.custom_len(marker) == 1 values_accumulated += value item_width = int(values_accumulated / values_sum * width) item_width -= width_accumulated width_accumulated += item_width middle += item_width * marker else: fill = converters.to_unicode(self.fill(progress, data, width)) assert progress.custom_len(fill) == 1 middle = fill * width return left + middle + right
[docs] class MultiProgressBar(MultiRangeBar): def __init__( self, name, # NOTE: the markers are not whitespace even though some # terminals don't show the characters correctly! markers=' ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█', **kwargs, ): MultiRangeBar.__init__( self, name=name, markers=list(reversed(markers)), **kwargs, )
[docs] def get_values(self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data: Data): ranges = [0.0] * len(self.markers) for value in data['variables'][] or []: if not isinstance(value, (int, float)): # Progress is (value, max) progress_value, progress_max = value value = float(progress_value) / float(progress_max) if not 0 <= value <= 1: raise ValueError( 'Range value needs to be in the range [0..1], ' f'got {value}', ) range_ = value * (len(ranges) - 1) pos = int(range_) frac = range_ % 1 ranges[pos] += 1 - frac if frac: ranges[pos + 1] += frac if self.fill_left: # pragma: no branch ranges = list(reversed(ranges)) return ranges
[docs] class GranularMarkers: smooth = ' ▏▎▍▌▋▊▉█' bar = ' ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█' snake = ' ▖▌▛█' fade_in = ' ░▒▓█' dots = ' ⡀⡄⡆⡇⣇⣧⣷⣿' growing_circles = ' .oO'
[docs] class GranularBar(AutoWidthWidgetBase): """A progressbar that can display progress at a sub-character granularity by using multiple marker characters. Examples of markers: - Smooth: ` ▏▎▍▌▋▊▉█` (default) - Bar: ` ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█` - Snake: ` ▖▌▛█` - Fade in: ` ░▒▓█` - Dots: ` ⡀⡄⡆⡇⣇⣧⣷⣿` - Growing circles: ` .oO` The markers can be accessed through GranularMarkers. GranularMarkers.dots for example """ def __init__( self, markers=GranularMarkers.smooth, left='|', right='|', **kwargs, ): """Creates a customizable progress bar. markers - string of characters to use as granular progress markers. The first character should represent 0% and the last 100%. Ex: ` .oO`. left - string or callable object to use as a left border right - string or callable object to use as a right border """ self.markers = markers self.left = string_or_lambda(left) self.right = string_or_lambda(right) AutoWidthWidgetBase.__init__(self, **kwargs) def __call__( self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data: Data, width: int = 0, ): left = converters.to_unicode(self.left(progress, data, width)) right = converters.to_unicode(self.right(progress, data, width)) width -= progress.custom_len(left) + progress.custom_len(right) max_value = progress.max_value if ( max_value is not base.UnknownLength and typing.cast(float, max_value) > 0 ): percent = progress.value / max_value # type: ignore else: percent = 0 num_chars = percent * width marker = self.markers[-1] * int(num_chars) if marker_idx := int((num_chars % 1) * (len(self.markers) - 1)): marker += self.markers[marker_idx] marker = converters.to_unicode(marker) # Make sure we ignore invisible characters when filling width += len(marker) - progress.custom_len(marker) marker = marker.ljust(width, self.markers[0]) return left + marker + right
[docs] class FormatLabelBar(FormatLabel, Bar): """A bar which has a formatted label in the center.""" def __init__(self, format, **kwargs: typing.Any): FormatLabel.__init__(self, format, **kwargs) Bar.__init__(self, **kwargs) def __call__( # type: ignore self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data: Data, width: int = 0, format: FormatString = None, ): center = FormatLabel.__call__(self, progress, data, format=format) bar = Bar.__call__(self, progress, data, width, color=False) # Aligns the center of the label to the center of the bar center_len = progress.custom_len(center) center_left = int((width - center_len) / 2) center_right = center_left + center_len return ( self._apply_colors( bar[:center_left], data, ) + self._apply_colors( center, data, ) + self._apply_colors( bar[center_right:], data, ) )
[docs] class PercentageLabelBar(Percentage, FormatLabelBar): """A bar which displays the current percentage in the center.""" # %3d adds an extra space that makes it look off-center # %2d keeps the label somewhat consistently in-place def __init__( self, format='%(percentage)2d%%', na='N/A%%', **kwargs: typing.Any ): Percentage.__init__(self, format, na=na, **kwargs) FormatLabelBar.__init__(self, format, **kwargs) def __call__( # type: ignore self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data: Data, width: int = 0, format: FormatString = None, ): return super().__call__(progress, data, width, format=format)
[docs] class Variable(FormatWidgetMixin, VariableMixin, WidgetBase): """Displays a custom variable.""" def __init__( self, name, format='{name}: {formatted_value}', width=6, precision=3, **kwargs, ): """Creates a Variable associated with the given name.""" self.format = format self.width = width self.precision = precision VariableMixin.__init__(self, name=name) WidgetBase.__init__(self, **kwargs) def __call__( self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data: Data, format: types.Optional[str] = None, ): value = data['variables'][] context = data.copy() context['value'] = value context['name'] = context['width'] = self.width context['precision'] = self.precision try: # Make sure to try and cast the value first, otherwise the # formatting will generate warnings/errors on newer Python releases value = float(value) fmt = '{value:{width}.{precision}}' context['formatted_value'] = fmt.format(**context) except (TypeError, ValueError): if value: context['formatted_value'] = '{value:{width}}'.format( **context, ) else: context['formatted_value'] = '-' * self.width return self.format.format(**context)
[docs] class DynamicMessage(Variable): """Kept for backwards compatibility, please use `Variable` instead."""
[docs] class CurrentTime(FormatWidgetMixin, TimeSensitiveWidgetBase): """Widget which displays the current (date)time with seconds resolution.""" INTERVAL = datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) def __init__( self, format='Current Time: %(current_time)s', microseconds=False, **kwargs, ): self.microseconds = microseconds FormatWidgetMixin.__init__(self, format=format, **kwargs) TimeSensitiveWidgetBase.__init__(self, **kwargs) def __call__( self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data: Data, format: types.Optional[str] = None, ): data['current_time'] = self.current_time() data['current_datetime'] = self.current_datetime() return FormatWidgetMixin.__call__(self, progress, data, format=format)
[docs] def current_datetime(self): now = if not self.microseconds: now = now.replace(microsecond=0) return now
[docs] def current_time(self): return self.current_datetime().time()
[docs] class JobStatusBar(Bar, VariableMixin): """ Widget which displays the job status as markers on the bar. The status updates can be given either as a boolean or as a string. If it's a string, it will be displayed as-is. If it's a boolean, it will be displayed as a marker (default: '█' for success, 'X' for failure) configurable through the `success_marker` and `failure_marker` parameters. Args: name: The name of the variable to use for the status updates. left: The left border of the bar. right: The right border of the bar. fill: The fill character of the bar. fill_left: Whether to fill the bar from the left or the right. success_fg_color: The foreground color to use for successful jobs. success_bg_color: The background color to use for successful jobs. success_marker: The marker to use for successful jobs. failure_fg_color: The foreground color to use for failed jobs. failure_bg_color: The background color to use for failed jobs. failure_marker: The marker to use for failed jobs. """ success_fg_color: terminal.Color | None = success_bg_color: terminal.Color | None = None success_marker: str = '█' failure_fg_color: terminal.Color | None = failure_bg_color: terminal.Color | None = None failure_marker: str = 'X' job_markers: list[str] def __init__( self, name: str, left='|', right='|', fill=' ', fill_left=True,, success_bg_color=None, success_marker='█',, failure_bg_color=None, failure_marker='X', **kwargs, ): VariableMixin.__init__(self, name) = name self.job_markers = [] self.left = string_or_lambda(left) self.right = string_or_lambda(right) self.fill = string_or_lambda(fill) self.success_fg_color = success_fg_color self.success_bg_color = success_bg_color self.success_marker = success_marker self.failure_fg_color = failure_fg_color self.failure_bg_color = failure_bg_color self.failure_marker = failure_marker Bar.__init__( self, left=left, right=right, fill=fill, fill_left=fill_left, **kwargs, ) def __call__( self, progress: ProgressBarMixinBase, data: Data, width: int = 0, color=True, ): left = converters.to_unicode(self.left(progress, data, width)) right = converters.to_unicode(self.right(progress, data, width)) width -= progress.custom_len(left) + progress.custom_len(right) status: str | bool | None = data['variables'].get( if width and status is not None: if status is True: marker = self.success_marker fg_color = self.success_fg_color bg_color = self.success_bg_color elif status is False: # pragma: no branch marker = self.failure_marker fg_color = self.failure_fg_color bg_color = self.failure_bg_color else: # pragma: no cover marker = status fg_color = bg_color = None marker = converters.to_unicode(marker) if fg_color: # pragma: no branch marker = fg_color.fg(marker) if bg_color: # pragma: no cover marker = self.job_markers.append(marker) marker = ''.join(self.job_markers) width -= progress.custom_len(marker) fill = converters.to_unicode(self.fill(progress, data, width)) fill = self._apply_colors(fill * width, data) if self.fill_left: # pragma: no branch marker += fill else: # pragma: no cover marker = fill + marker else: marker = '' return left + marker + right